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FacebookPostInfoProvider Fields

The FacebookPostInfoProvider type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_NOT_EXIST
Error code represents the post belongs to the document that doesn't exist.
Public fieldStatic memberERROR_CODE_INVALID_ACCOUNT
Error code represents unexpected error with Facebook account (account doesn't exist or its access token isn't valid).
Public fieldStatic memberERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR
Error code represents unknown error when publishing the post.
Protected fieldhashtableLock
Table lock for loading hashtables
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected fieldinfos
Info tables.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected fieldmTypeInfo
Object type information.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Public fieldStatic memberPOST_DELAY_TOLERANCE
Scheduled posts which are late on publishing for more than POST_DELAY_TOLERANCE are reported as faulty.
See Also