The following classes are used to manage the web analytics module. They can be found in the CMS.WebAnalytics namespace.
•StatisticsInfo - represents the statistics of a certain event within a specific context.
•StatisticsInfoProvider - provides management functionality for statistic records.
•HitsInfo - represents the hits of a statistic during a specific time interval.
•HitsInfoProvider - provides management functionality for statistic hits.
•CampaignInfo - represents one campaign tracking object.
•CampaignInfoProvider - provides management functionality for campaigns.
•ConversionInfo - represents one conversion tracking object.
•ConversionInfoProvider - provides management functionality for conversions.
•ConversionCampaignInfo - represents a relationship between a campaign and a conversion.
•ConversionCampaignInfoProvider - provides management functionality for campaign‑conversion relationships.
•AnalyticsHelper - provides general web analytics functionality and data.
•HitLogProvider - contains methods used to create the analytics log files for statistics.
•HitLogProcessor - this class implements the scheduled task used to periodically process the analytics log, which transfers the information to the database.