Click or drag to resize
RecaptchaComponent Class
Represents a reCAPTCHA form component.
Inheritance Hierarchy
    Kentico.Forms.Web.MvcFormComponentRecaptchaProperties, String

Namespace: Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc
Assembly: Kentico.Content.Web.Mvc (in Kentico.Content.Web.Mvc.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public class RecaptchaComponent : FormComponent<RecaptchaProperties, string>

The RecaptchaComponent type exposes the following members.

Public methodRecaptchaComponent
Public fieldStatic memberIDENTIFIER
Represents the RecaptchaComponent identifier.
Public propertyBaseProperties
Gets the form component's properties as its base type.
(Inherited from FormComponentTProperties, TValue.)
Public propertyCustomAutopostHandling
If true, prevents built-in visibility condition handling for this component.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyDefinition
Gets or sets the definition under which the form component is registered in the system.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyHasDependingFields
Gets or sets a value indicating whether there are another form components whose visibility condition depends on this component's value.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyIsConfigured
Determines whether the component is configured and allowed to be displayed.
Public propertyIsV3
Indicates whether or not the component is configured to use reCAPTCHA V3
Public propertyLabelForPropertyName
Label "for" cannot be used for this component.
(Overrides FormComponentLabelForPropertyName.)
Public propertyLanguage
Optional. Forces the reCAPTCHA to render in a specific language. Auto-detects the user's language if unspecified. Currently supported values are listed at
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the corresponding form field. The name is used as a prefix when naming the HTML input.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyPrivateKey
reCAPTCHA v2 private key from
Public propertyPrivateKeyV3
reCAPTCHA v3 private key from
Public propertyProperties
Gets the form component's properties.
(Inherited from FormComponentTProperties, TValue.)
Public propertyPropertiesType
Gets the properties type of the form component.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyPublicKey
reCAPTCHA v2 site key from
Public propertyPublicKeyV3
reCAPTCHA v3 site key from
Public propertyShowPartialValidationMessages
Also shows validation errors of partial values of the component. If false, each individual component should contain validation message in its partial view.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyValue
Holds nothing and is here just because it is required.
Public methodBindContext

Binds contextual information to the form component. The actual type of context depends on where the component is being used.

The component can throw an exception if being used in a context for which it is not designed. The base implementation provided by this class must be called prior to throwing an exception, however.

(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public methodGetDisplayName
Returns non-localized string representing component name. Component Name is returned in case of empty Label.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public methodGetModelPropertyCustomAttributesT
Gets a collection of custom attributes applied to the model's property this form component represents.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public methodGetObjectValue
Gets the value of the form component. The GetValue method can be used directly to obtain the typed value.
(Inherited from FormComponentTProperties, TValue.)
Public methodGetValue
Returns empty string since the Value does not hold anything.
(Overrides FormComponentTProperties, TValueGetValue.)
Public methodLoadProperties
Loads properties of the form component. The actual properties type must match the PropertiesType.
(Inherited from FormComponentTProperties, TValue.)
Public methodModifyMetadata
Modifies modelMetadata according to the current object.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public methodSetObjectValue
Sets the value of the form component. The value must be of proper type or an exception is thrown. The SetValue(TValue) method can be used directly to set the typed default value.
(Inherited from FormComponentTProperties, TValue.)
Public methodSetValue
Does nothing since the Value does not need to hold anything.
(Overrides FormComponentTProperties, TValueSetValue(TValue).)
Public methodValidate
Performs validation of the reCAPTCHA component.
(Overrides FormComponentValidate(ValidationContext).)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetBizFormComponentContext
Gets BizFormComponentContext of a form component, if such a context was bound to the component.
(Defined by FormComponentExtensions.)
See Also