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KenticoFormBuilderPropertiesPanelController Class
Provides endpoint for retrieving the Form builder's properties panel markup as well as validating FormComponent properties.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc.Internal
Assembly: Kentico.Content.Web.Mvc (in Kentico.Content.Web.Mvc.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public class KenticoFormBuilderPropertiesPanelController : ControllerProxy

The KenticoFormBuilderPropertiesPanelController type exposes the following members.

Public methodKenticoFormBuilderPropertiesPanelController
Initializes a new instance of the KenticoFormBuilderPropertiesPanelController class.
Protected methodBadRequest
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult that produces a BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Protected methodForbid
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult that produces a Forbidden response.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Public methodGetPropertiesMarkup
Action for retrieving form component's properties markup. The FormComponentConfiguration for which the panel is to be rendered is in the request body.
Public methodGetValidationRuleConfigurationMarkup
Gets markup for configuring ValidationRule.
Public methodGetVisibilityConditionConfigurationMarkup
Gets markup for configuring visibility condition.
Protected methodJson
Creates an ContentResult that produces a response with content type 'application/json'.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Protected methodNotFound
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult that produces a NotFound response.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Protected methodStatusCode
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult by specifying a statusCode.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Protected methodUnauthorized
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult that produces a Unauthorized response.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Public methodValidateProperties
Validates form component properties.
Public methodValidateValidationRuleConfiguration
Validates whether ValidationRule is configured correctly.
Public methodValidateVisibilityConditionConfiguration
Validates data sent for configuring VisibilityCondition.
See Also