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IAnalyticsLogger Interface
Describes methods for logging Web Analytics statistics data.

Namespace: CMS.WebAnalytics
Assembly: CMS.WebAnalytics (in CMS.WebAnalytics.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public interface IAnalyticsLogger

The IAnalyticsLogger type exposes the following members.

Public methodLogAverageTimeOnPage
Logs time spend on page with given data.
Public methodLogBrowser
Logs browser information with given data.
Public methodLogCountry
Logs country information with given data.
Public methodLogCustomAnalytics
Logs custom analytics.
Public methodLogExitPage
Logs exit page with given data.
Public methodLogExitPageCandidate
Logs exit page candidate with given data.
Public methodLogInternalSearchKeywords
Logs internal search keywords with given data.
Public methodLogInvalidPage
Logs invalid page with given data.
Public methodLogLandingPageView
Logs landing page view with given data.
Public methodLogMobileDevice
Logs mobile device information with given data.
Public methodLogOperationSystem
Logs operation system information with given data.
Public methodLogPageView
Logs page view with given data.
Public methodLogSearchCrawler
Logs search crawler from search engine with given data.
Public methodLogSearchKeywords
Logs search keywords from search engine with given data.
Public methodLogUrlRefferal
Logs referral url with given data.
Public methodLogVisitor
Logs visitor with given data.
See Also