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SearchEngineConfiguration Class
Class encapsulating configuration properties to customize indexing of documents to Azure Search service.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Search.Azure
Assembly: CMS.Search.Azure (in CMS.Search.Azure.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public sealed class SearchEngineConfiguration

The SearchEngineConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDocumentsBatchSize
Maximum number of search documents processed per batch in one request to the Azure Search service (index uploads, merges or deletes).
Public propertyStatic memberInstance
Returns SearchEngineConfiguration instance.
Public propertyMaxBackoffTimeSeconds
Maximum time interval (in seconds) between two attempts to perform Azure search operations. The interval starts from 0 and grows exponentially up to the maximum: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
Public propertyRetryCount
Maximum number of retry attempts that the system performs after an Azure Search operation fails.
Public propertyTransientErrorDetectionStrategy
Defines an object responsible for detecting specific transient conditions on Azure Search service operations. By default every exception is handled as transient and so the operation that caused exception will be retried.
See Also