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CMSPayPalProvider Class
Class providing payment using PayPal payment gateway.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Ecommerce
Assembly: CMS.Ecommerce (in CMS.Ecommerce.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public class CMSPayPalProvider : CMSPaymentGatewayProvider, 
	IDirectPaymentGatewayProvider, IPaymentGatewayProvider, IDelayedPaymentGatewayProvider

The CMSPayPalProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodCMSPayPalProvider
Protected fieldmIsPaymentCompleted
Indicates whether payment is already completed.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmOrder
Order object which is going to be paid.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmOrderId
Order ID.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmPaymentResult
Payment result.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmShoppingCartInfoObj
Shopping cart object which stores all data during the checkout process.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected propertyCountryInfoProvider
Gets the provider for CountryInfo management.
Protected propertyCulture
Gets PayPal gateway compatible culture.
Protected propertyCustomerInfoProvider
Gets the provider for CustomerInfo management.
Public propertyErrorMessage
Payment result message displayed to user when payment fails.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyInfoMessage
Payment result message displayed to user when payment succeeds.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyIsPaymentAuthorized
Indicates whether the payment is already authorized meaning that payment capture is possible.
Public propertyIsPaymentCompleted
Indicates whether payment is already completed.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyOrder
Order object which is going to be paid.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyOrderId
Order ID. Set this value when you want to process payment for the existing order outside the checkout process.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected propertyPaymentResult
Payment result.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected propertyPayPalPaymentResult
Gets strongly typed payment result.
Public propertyShoppingCartInfoObj
Shopping cart object which stores all data during the checkout process. If OrderId is set it is created from existing order, otherwise it is returned from current shopping cart control.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected propertyStateInfoProvider
Gets the provider for StateInfo management.
Protected methodAddAdditionalInfoToPaymentResult
Adds some additional information to payment result, such as time stamp and payment method name.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected methodAddOrderDiscountItem
Adds item with negative value of OrderDiscount into given items collection.
Protected methodAddOtherPaymentItem
Adds item with negative value of OtherPayments into given items collection.
Public methodAuthorizePayment
Authorizes a payment.
Protected methodAuthorizePaymentInternal
Authorizes a payment.
Protected methodCallGatewayWithExceptionHandling
Provides shared exception handling for any method connecting to gateway.
Public methodCapturePayment
Captures a payment.
Protected methodCapturePaymentInternal
Captures a payment.
Protected methodCheckOrder
Check, whether Order and Shopping cart objects are present. In case Order or ShoppingcartInfo object is not set
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected methodCreatePaymentResultInfo
Creates PayPal payment result object.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderCreatePaymentResultInfo.)
Public methodExecutePayment
Executes payment for given paymentId and payerId. Both values has to be obtained from payment gateway. Payment cannot be captured unless its authorization is confirmed.
Protected methodExecutePaymentInternal
Executes payment for given paymentId and payerId.
Protected methodGetApprovalUrl
Returns url for approving the authorization from given payment.
Protected methodGetBillingAddress
Returns billing address created from order used for payment authorization.
Protected methodGetCancelUrl
Returns cancellation url for payment request
Protected methodGetCapture
Returns Capture created from Order used for payment capture.
Protected methodGetDetailUrl
Returns url with payment detail from given payment.
Protected methodGetItem
Returns item created from given parameters.
Protected methodGetItemPrice
Returns unit price of one item required by the gateway.
Protected methodGetPayerInfo
Returns information about payer created from order used for payment authorization.
Protected methodGetPayment
Returns Payment created from Order used for payment authorization.
Protected methodGetPaymentGatewayUrl
Returns payment gateway url.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected methodGetPaymentItems
Returns collection of Item created from order items used for payment authorization.
Protected methodGetPaymentStatusName
Returns payment status name for given paypal response state.
Protected methodGetProductItems
Returns item created from given cartItem.
Protected methodGetReturnUrl
Returns return url for payment request
Protected methodGetShippingAddress
Returns shipping address created from order used for payment authorization.
Protected methodGetTransactionAmount
Returns Amount object providing money amount information required by gateway.
Protected methodGetTransactionAmountShipping
Returns shipping value required by the gateway.
Protected methodGetTransactionAmountSubtotal
Returns subtotal value required by the gateway.
Protected methodIsDelayedPayment
Returns true when given payment has authorize intent.
Protected methodStatic memberIsDirectPayment
Returns true when given payment has sale intent.
Public methodIsUserAuthorizedToFinishPayment
Checks whether specified user is authorized to finish payment.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected methodProcessExecutedDelayedPayment
Sets authorization related data from given payment to PayPalPaymentResult.
Protected methodProcessExecutedDirectPayment
Sets payment related data from given payment to PayPalPaymentResult.
Public methodProcessPayment
Processes the payment on external gateway.
Protected methodProcessPaymentInternal
Process the direct payment.
Protected methodRoundPrice
Transform given price into string representation according to given formatProvider and formatString.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected methodRunPaymentExecution
Runs payment execution for paymentId and payerId.
Protected methodUpdateOrderPaymentResult
Updates order payment result in database.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public methodUseDelayedPayment
Returns whether both gateway and provider shall use delayed payment method.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderUseDelayedPayment.)
Public methodValidateCustomData
Validates payment gateway custom data of the current shopping cart step - payment gateway form data validation is performed by default.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected methodValidatePayment
Validates given payment before the gateway request is performed.
See Also