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ContinuousIntegrationEventHandling Class
Handles object change events for the purpose of CI.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.ContinuousIntegration.Internal
Assembly: CMS.ContinuousIntegration (in CMS.ContinuousIntegration.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public static class ContinuousIntegrationEventHandling

The ContinuousIntegrationEventHandling type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBaseInfoDeleteAfter
Handles necessary actions after deleting a BaseInfo.
Public methodStatic memberBaseInfoInsertAfter
Handles necessary actions after inserting a BaseInfo.
Public methodStatic memberBaseInfoUpdateBefore
Handles necessary actions before updating a BaseInfo.
Public methodStatic memberHasDataClassFormFieldRemoved
Returns true when passed object OBJECT_TYPE and also has changed column containing form definition.
Public methodStatic memberHasObjectCodeNameChanged
Returns true when passed object has changed column containing code name.
Public methodStatic memberRequiresFormDefinitionChangeRepositoryRefresh
Returns true when form definition change in passed object requires CI repository refresh. This includes: addition or removal of a field, field's name or data type change.
This API supports the framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
See Also