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ExportProvider Class
Class for exporting the objects and sites.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.CMSImportExport
Assembly: CMS.ImportExport (in CMS.ImportExport.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public static class ExportProvider

The ExportProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberExcludedFiles
Excluded files which are not included into the export package.
Public propertyStatic memberExcludedFolders
Excluded folders which are not included into the export package.
Public methodStatic memberCopyAssemblyFiles
Copies assembly files for given object type
Public methodStatic memberCopyComponentFile
Copies component files for given object type
Public methodStatic memberCopyDirectory(String, String, String)
Copies specified directory including its subdirectories and all underlying files.
Public methodStatic memberCopyDirectory(String, String, String, String)
Copies specified directory including its sub-directories and all underlying files.
Public methodStatic memberCopyFile
Copy file for the export and unset the readonly attributes.
Public methodStatic memberCopyFiles
Copies the object files to the destination package.
Public methodStatic memberCopySourceFiles
Copies all source files (including code behind files, designer files)
Public methodStatic memberDeleteTemporaryFiles
Delete temporary files in default folder.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteTemporaryFiles(SiteExportSettings, Boolean)
Delete temporary files.
Public methodStatic memberExportAssembly
Exports assembly file.
Public methodStatic memberExportCanceled
Export canceled.
Public methodStatic memberExportObject(GeneralizedInfo, String, String, IUserInfo)
Export site to file.
Public methodStatic memberExportObject(Int32, String, String, String, IUserInfo)
Export site to file.
Public methodStatic memberExportObjectsData
Exports all the objects.
Public methodStatic memberExportSite
Export site to file.
Public methodStatic memberExportWebTemplate
Export web template.
Public methodStatic memberGetDirectories
Get directories in source folder
Public methodStatic memberGetExportData(SiteExportSettings, WhereCondition, String, Boolean, Boolean, TranslationHelper)
Gets the export data for specified objects.
Public methodStatic memberGetExportData(SiteExportSettings, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, TranslationHelper)
Gets the export data for specified objects.
Public methodStatic memberGetFiles
Gets files in source folder
Public methodStatic memberIsFileExcluded
Indicates if file name is excluded.
Public methodStatic memberLogProgress(String)
Logs the export progress.
Public methodStatic memberLogProgress(LogStatusEnum, SiteExportSettings, String)
Logs progress.
Public methodStatic memberLogProgressError
Logs progress error.
Public methodStatic memberSaveObjects
Saves the objects to the file.
Public eventStatic memberOnProgressLog
Progress log event.
See Also