ControlsHelper Class |
Namespace: CMS.Base.Web.UI
public static class ControlsHelper
The ControlsHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
RegExControl |
Dynamic control search regular expression.
| |
RegExStrings |
Regular expression for strings.
Name | Description | |
CausedPostBack(Control) |
Determines whether any of given controls caused the postback.
| |
CausedPostBack(Boolean, Control) |
Determines whether any of given controls caused the postback.
| |
CheckControlContext |
Returns true if specified control is under specified context name.
| |
ContainsControl | Obsolete.
Determines whether control contains another one.
| |
ContainsDynamicControl |
Returns true if the content contains dynamic controls.
| |
EnsureScriptManager |
Ensures the Script manager on the page.
| |
FillListControlWithEnum(ListControl, Type, String, Boolean, Boolean, ListString, ListString) |
Fills the specified ListControl with the items created from the specified enum type.
| |
FillListControlWithEnumTEnum(ListControl, String, Boolean, Boolean, ListString) |
Fills the specified ListControl with the items created from the specified enum type.
| |
FillListWithNumberedSqlOperators |
Fill list control with SQL operators as number value
(Like = 0, NotLike = 1, Equals = 2, NotEquals = 3)
and text with their appropriate text eqivalent.
| |
FillListWithTextSqlOperators |
Fill list control with SQL operators (Like, NotLike, Equals, NotEquals) as
value and text with their appropriate text eqivalent.
| |
FindItemByValue |
Searches for the DropDownList item with given value.
| |
FindParentControl |
Searches the container for a server control with the specified id parameter.
| |
GetChildControl(Control, Type, Boolean) |
Gets the first child control of specified type for given control.
| |
GetChildControl(Control, Type, String) |
Gets the first child control of specified ID for given control.
| |
GetChildControl(Control, Type, String) |
Gets the first child control of specified ID for given control.
| |
GetChildControlChildType(Control, Boolean) |
Gets the first child control of specified type for given control.
| |
GetContextManager |
Returns context manager for specified control.
| |
GetControlOfTypeRecursiveT |
Gets the control of specified type recursively to parent control
| |
GetControlsHashtableTControl(ListTControl) |
Translates the controls ArrayList to the Hashtable indexed by the controls ID [Control.ID.ToLowerCSafe()] -> [Control]
| |
GetControlsHashtableTControl(ListTControl, FuncTControl, String) |
Translates the controls ArrayList to the Hashtable indexed by the controls ID [Control.ID.ToLowerCSafe()] -> [Control]
| |
GetControlsOfTypeT |
Returns controls collection for specified type
| |
GetDataControl |
Gets the update panel for given control.
| |
GetDataSourceForControl |
Converts the given object to a Data source valid for data bound control
| |
GetLastChildControl |
Gets the last child control of specified type for given control.
| |
GetParentControl(Control, Type) |
Gets the parent control of specified type for given control.
| |
GetParentControlParentType(Control) |
Gets the parent control of specified type for given control.
| |
GetParentPropertyParentControlType, PropertyType |
Gets property value from parent control
| |
GetPostBackControl |
Gets the control which caused postback.
| |
GetPostBackControlID |
Gets the ID of the control that caused page postback.
| |
GetPostBackEventReference(Control, String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Gets the postback event reference to the given control.
| |
GetPostBackEventReference(Control, PostBackOptions, Boolean, Boolean, Control) |
Gets the postback event reference to the given control.
| |
GetReversedColumns |
Gets the reversed column sizes.
| |
GetScrollbarsEnum |
Returns the scrollbars enum for the given code.
| |
GetUniqueID |
Gets the unique ID for the control.
| |
GetUpdatePanel |
Gets the update panel for given control.
| |
IsInAsyncPostback |
Returns true if the page is in the process of asynchronous postback.
| |
IsInUpdatePanel |
Returns true if the control is located inside of the update panel.
| |
LoadExtender |
Loads the control extender of the specified type for the specified control.
| |
MoveControls |
Moves the child controls between two controls.
| |
ParseInlineParameters |
Parses inline macro values, creates collection of this parameters, sets control name and control parameter if is available.
| |
RaisePostback | Obsolete.
Raises postback on the given control
| |
RegisterClientScriptBlock |
Register client script block. If current control is under update panel, script is registered
in the update panel
| |
RegisterPostbackControl |
Registers the control which causes postback with the script manager.
| |
RemoveDynamicControls |
Removes all dynamic control macros from string.
| |
ResolveDynamicControls |
Resolves the dynamic control macros within the parent controls collection and loads the dynamic controls instead.
| |
ResolveMacros |
Replaces macros in text with appropriate value of the datarow and returns the result.
| |
ReverseFrames |
Reverses the frames within given frameset control.
| |
UpdateCurrentPanel |
Updates current update panel.