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ViewCustomizableComponentDefinition Properties

The ViewCustomizableComponentDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyControllerFullName
Gets the fully qualified name of the component controller type, including its namespace without the assembly name.
(Inherited from ComponentDefinition.)
Public propertyControllerName
Name of the controller derived from controller class name without the Controller suffix.
(Inherited from ComponentDefinition.)
Protected propertyDefaultViewSubFolderName
Folder used to locate the view when specific path is not provided via constructor.
Public propertyDescription
Description of the registered component.
(Inherited from ComponentDefinition.)
Public propertyIconClass
Icon CSS class of the registered component.
(Inherited from ComponentDefinition.)
Public propertyIdentifier
Unique identifier of the component definition.
(Inherited from ComponentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyIsCustom
Indicates whether specific view was provided via constructor, or the system should look for the view in default location.
Public propertyName
Name of the registered component.
(Inherited from ComponentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyRouteName
Name of the route under which is the component available.
(Inherited from ComponentDefinition.)
Public propertyViewComponentType
Type of the view component to be rendered.
Public propertyViewPath
Path of the view to be rendered.
See Also