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FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration Properties

The FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChildConfiguration
Gets or sets child element rendering configuration. Use this property to nest multiple wrapping elements.
Public propertyStatic memberCONTENT_PLACEHOLDER
Defines a placeholder for wrapped elements if CustomHtmlEnvelopeString is used.
Public propertyCustomHtmlEnvelope Obsolete.
Sets custom HTML envelope. Within a custom HTML code must be used CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER value.
Public propertyCustomHtmlEnvelopeString
Get or sets custom HTML envelope. Within a custom HTML code must be used CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER value.
Public propertyElementName
Gets or sets element name to be rendered.
Public propertyHtmlAttributes
Gets or sets optional attributes that should be added to the element. An empty dictionary by default.
See Also