Click or drag to resize
FormWidgetViewModel Properties

The FormWidgetViewModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDisplayValidationErrors
Decides whether validation errors that occur during evaluating visibility conditions are supposed to be displayed.
Public propertyFormComponents
Form components of the currently selected form.
Public propertyFormConfiguration
Configuration of selected form.
Public propertyFormName
Name of the currently selected form.
Public propertyFormPrefix
Generated prefix for unique form field identifiers.
Public propertyIsFormSubmittable
Indicates whether the form widget can be submitted, or is intended just for viewing.
Public propertyRenderInlineEditor
Indicates whether the inline editor should be rendered.
Public propertySiteForms
Forms belonging to the current site.
Public propertySubmitButtonImage
Image source of the submit button.
Public propertySubmitButtonText
Text of the submit button.
See Also