Click or drag to resize
MultipleChoiceComponent Properties

The MultipleChoiceComponent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseProperties
Gets the form component's properties as its base type.
(Inherited from FormComponentTProperties, TValue.)
Public propertyCustomAutopostHandling
If true, prevents built-in visibility condition handling for this component.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyDefinition
Gets or sets the definition under which the form component is registered in the system.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyHasDependingFields
Gets or sets a value indicating whether there are another form components whose visibility condition depends on this component's value.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyHtmlOptions
Gets or sets the collection of items populated in the component.
(Inherited from MultiSelectorFormComponentTProperties.)
Public propertyLabelForPropertyName
Gets name of the SelectedValues property.
(Inherited from MultiSelectorFormComponentTProperties.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the corresponding form field. The name is used as a prefix when naming the HTML input.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyProperties
Gets the form component's properties.
(Inherited from FormComponentTProperties, TValue.)
Public propertyPropertiesType
Gets the properties type of the form component.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
Public propertyShowPartialValidationMessages
Also shows validation errors of partial values of the component. If false, each individual component should contain validation message in its partial view.
(Inherited from FormComponent.)
See Also