Click or drag to resize
Item Properties

The Item type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowToggle
Allows toggle for button.
Public propertyAttributes
Collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control.
Public propertyCssClass
CSS class of the item.
(Inherited from NavigationItem.)
Public propertyDraggableScope
Group of draggable items.
Public propertyDraggableTemplateHandler
Template for dragging item representation.
Public propertyIconClass
The icon class name.
Public propertyIconWrapperClass
Class name for icon wrapper.
Public propertyImageAlign
The image align (default: NotSet).
Public propertyImageAltText
The image alternate text.
Public propertyImagePath
The image path.
Public propertyIsSelectable
Indicates whether the button is not selectable.
Public propertyIsToggled
Whether the button is toggled by default.
Public propertyMinimalWidth
Minimal width of middle part of the button (in pixels).
Public propertyOnClientClick
The JavaScript executed on client click event.
(Inherited from NavigationItem.)
Public propertyRedirectUrl
The URL for redirection.
(Inherited from NavigationItem.)
Public propertySubItems
List of menu item sub items.
Public propertyText
Specifies the the caption of the item. Sample value: "Caption string" (Has higher priority than the resource string.)
(Inherited from NavigationItem.)
Public propertyTooltip
Specifies the the tooltip of the item (string.empty: empty, null: usually copies caption or custom string). (Has higher priority than the tooltip resource string.)
(Inherited from NavigationItem.)
See Also