Click or drag to resize
UITabs Properties

The UITabs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowSubTabs
If true, the sub tabs are allowed in these tabs
Public propertyComponentName
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyControlContext
Control context.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentResolver
Control's resolver
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentSite
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyDefaultTabName
Tab code name, which will be selected by default.
Public propertyDisplayMode
Gets or sets display mode of the control.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyDocumentManager
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEditedObject
Control's edited object
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyElementName
Code name of the UIElement.
Public propertyHeaderActions
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyIsCMSDesk
Determines whether the current control lies on the page that is currently located under the CMS Desk.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyJavaScriptHandler
Name of the javascript function which is called when specified tab (UI element) is clicked. UI element code name is passed as parameter.
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyModuleName
Code name of the module.
Public propertyOpenTabContentAfterLoad
Indicates whether the content of the tab will be loaded into target frame.
Public propertyParameter
Control parameter.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Protected propertyProperties
Control properties.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyRememberSelectedTab
If true, the selected tab is remembered across session
Public propertyCode exampleResourcePrefix
Prefix for the resource strings which are used for the localization by the control and its child controls.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyResourcePrefixes
List of cached resource prefixes for the parent hierarchy
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertySelectedTab
Index of the selected tab.
Public propertySelectedTabName
Name of the selected tab.
Public propertySelectFirstItemByDefault
If is set true, first item will be selected by default if is not some other item selected
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyStartPageURL
URL of the page that is used instead of selected tab's URL, when tabs control is first loaded.
Public propertyStopProcessing
Indicates if the control should perform the operations.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyTabControlIdPrefix
Tab control ID prefix
Public propertyTabControlLayout
Horizontal or vertical layout.
Public propertyTabItems
Collection of tabs.
Protected propertyTabItemsInternal
Internal collection of tabs (built either from Tabs or TabItems).
Public propertyTabsEmpty
Gets the value which indicates whether there is some tab displayed or not.
Public propertyUIContext
Control's UI Context
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyUrlTarget
If URL for tab items is set, this property specifies target frame for all URLs.
Public propertyUseCMSDeskAccessDeniedPage
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether CMSDesk access denied page should be used.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyUseIFrame
If true, target frame is not in parent frames but iframe
Public propertyUsePostback
Indicates if postback is fired when tab is clicked.
Public propertyUsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected propertyViewState
ViewState - overridden for the Master page ViewState fix.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
See Also