Click or drag to resize
EditMenu Properties

The EditMenu type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActionsValidationGroup
Name of validation group where action buttons belong to.
Public propertyAllowSave
Indicates if Save action is allowed.
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Public propertyCheckPermissions
If true, the access permissions to the items are checked.
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Public propertyComponentName
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCultureCode
Document culture code.
Public propertyCurrentSite
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyDocumentManager
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEnabled
Indicates if the menu is enabled
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Public propertyForceArchive
Forces to show the Archive button (backward compatibility for basic workflow on Properties->Workflow tab).
Public propertyHandleWorkflow
Indicates if workflow actions should be displayed and handled
Public propertyHeaderActions
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyHideStandardButtons
If true, the menu shows the standard editing buttons
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Public propertyInformationText
If set, the given text is displayed as information text
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyLinkCssClass
Link CSS class
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyNode
Document node.
Public propertyNodeID
Node ID.
Public propertyOnClientStepChanged
Refresh script to be called when step ID of document changes
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Public propertyParameter
Control parameter.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Protected propertyProperties
Control properties.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyRefreshInterval
Refresh interval
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Protected propertyResourceCulture
Resource strings culture
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Public propertyCode exampleResourcePrefix
Prefix for the resource strings which are used for the localization by the control and its child controls.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyResourcePrefixes
List of cached resource prefixes for the parent hierarchy
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyShowApplyWorkflow
Show the Apply workflow button.
Public propertyShowApprove
Show the Approve button.
Public propertyShowArchive
Show the Archive button.
Public propertyShowCheckIn
Show the Check In button.
Public propertyShowCheckOut
Show the Check Out button.
Public propertyShowCreateAnother
If true, create another button can be displayed.
Public propertyShowDelete
Show the Delete button.
Public propertyShowProperties
Show the Properties button.
Public propertyShowReject
Show the Reject button.
Public propertyShowSave
Show the Save button.
Public propertyShowSaveAndClose
If true, save and close button can be displayed
Public propertyShowSpellCheck
Show spell check button.
Public propertyShowSubmitToApproval
Show the Submit To Approval button.
Public propertyShowUndoCheckOut
Show the Undo CheckOut button.
Public propertyStopProcessing
Indicates if the control should perform the operations.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyUsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyUseSmallIcons
Indicates if small icons should be used for actions
(Inherited from BaseEditMenu.)
Protected propertyViewState
ViewState - overridden for the Master page ViewState fix.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
See Also