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Node Properties

The Node type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContent
Content of node.
Public propertyCssClass
Extra css classes of node.
Public propertyHasTargetPoint
Whether step has target point.
Public propertyHasTimeout
Whether or not item in state defined by this node should continue after defined amount of time.
Public propertyHasTimeoutSourcePoint
Whether the node has the explicit timeout source point.
Public propertyIconClass
Icon CSS class name of node.
Public propertyIconImageUrl
URL to icon image of node.
Public propertyID
ID of HTML element representing node.
Public propertyIsDeletable
Indicates if node can be deleted. Default value = true
Public propertyIsNameLocalized
Whether or not is name of node resource string.
Public propertyName
Name of node.
Public propertyPosition
Absolute position of node.
Public propertySourcePoints
Source points node will have defined.
Public propertyThumbnailClass
Thumbnail CSS class name of node.
Public propertyThumbnailImageUrl
URL to thumbnail image of node.
Public propertyTimeoutDescription
User friendly description of timeout value.
Public propertyType
Graphic type of node.
Public propertyTypeName
Type as string used for better granularity.
Public propertyTypeResourceStringPrefix
Prefix of resources of given type.
See Also