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CacheHelper Properties

The CacheHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAllowCacheByCulture
If true, the cache allows separate keys by culture.
Public propertyStatic memberAllowCacheByUserName
If true, the cache allows separate keys by user name.
Public propertyStatic memberAlwaysCacheFiles
Gets if files are always cached on client, even outside the live site.
Public propertyStatic memberAlwaysCacheResources
Gets if resources are always cached on client, even outside the live site.
Public propertyStatic memberBaseCacheKey
Returns the base cache key (created with all parameters considered to be valid for proper caching).
Public propertyStatic memberClientCacheRequested
Gets if the client specified cache settings in request.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentCachePrefix
Current context name
Public propertyStatic memberDependencyChanged
DependencyChanged items count (removed by the dependency).
Public propertyStatic memberExpired
Expired items count (removed by the system for expiration reasons).
Public propertyStatic memberMultiplePrefixesUsed
If true, multiple cache prefixes were used
Public propertyStatic memberPhysicalFilesCacheMinutes
Gets the expiration time in minutes that should be set for the physical files in the client cache.
Public propertyStatic memberProgressiveCaching
If true, progressive caching is enabled, meaning that two threads accessing the same code share the result of an internal operation. True by default.
Public propertyStatic memberRemoved
Removed items count (removed correctly by the system).
Public propertyStatic memberUnderused
Underused items count (removed sooner for memory reasons).
See Also