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InfoProviderTemplateV12 Properties

The InfoProviderTemplateV12 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCurrentIndent
Gets the current indent we use when adding lines to the output
(Inherited from InfoProviderTemplateV12Base.)
Public propertyErrors
The error collection for the generation process
(Inherited from InfoProviderTemplateV12Base.)
Protected propertyGenerationEnvironment
The string builder that generation-time code is using to assemble generated output
(Inherited from InfoProviderTemplateV12Base.)
Public propertyHasAdvancedMethods
Gets a value that indicates if the info provider has any advanced methods.
Public propertyHasCodeNameColumn
Indicates whether a codename column is defined.
Public propertyHasGUIDColumn
Indicates whether a GUID column is defined.
Public propertyInfoClassName
Gets the info class name.
Public propertyInfoClassNamePluralized
Gets the pluralized info class name.
Public propertyInfoProviderClassName
Gets the info provider class name.
Public propertyIsSiteObject
Gets a value that indicates if the info can be a site object (i.e. can have site ID specified).
Public propertyNamespace
Gets the namespace.
Public propertySession
Current transformation session
(Inherited from InfoProviderTemplateV12Base.)
Public propertyToStringHelper
Helper to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string
(Inherited from InfoProviderTemplateV12Base.)
Public propertyUseGuidHashtable
Gets a value that indicates if the GUID hashtable is to be used by the provider.
Public propertyUseHashtables
Gets a value that indicates if any hastable is to be used by the provider.
Public propertyUseIdHashtable
Gets the value that indicates if the ID hashtable is to be used by the provider.
Public propertyUseNameHashtable
Gets a value that indicates if the name hashtable is to be used by the provider.
See Also