Click or drag to resize
StepEventArgs Properties

The StepEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackButtonText
Text for the back button (use in the load event)
Public propertyCancelEvent
If true, the current operation should be canceled (refers to the validation and finish event)
Public propertyCurrentHandler
Currently executing handler
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public propertyCurrentStep
Current step index indexed from 0
Public propertyFinalStepUrl
Gets or sets the URL which is used after final step
Public propertyHideBackButton
If true, the back button is hidden (use in the load event)
Public propertyHideNextButton
If true, the next button should be hidden in current step, there is no next action (use in the load event)
Public propertyIsFirstStep
Gets the value that indicates whether current step is first step
Public propertyIsLastStep
Gets the value that indicates whether current step is last step
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value from/to object collection
Public propertyNextButtonText
Text for the next button (use in the load event)
Public propertyOriginalEventArgs Obsolete.
Original event arguments for the event
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public propertySkip
If true, current step is skipped (use in the load event)
Public propertySteps
Total number of steps
See Also