Click or drag to resize
CMSTextArea Properties

The CMSTextArea type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnableAutoComplete
Gets or sets whether autocomplete is enabled.
(Inherited from CMSTextBox.)
Public propertyEnableFocus
Gets or sets whether the focus is enabled.
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from CMSTextBox.)
Protected propertyMacroProcessingColumnAdapter
Column adapter to be used when signing macros.
(Inherited from CMSTextBox.)
Public propertyMaintainScrollPositionOnPostback
Gets or sets whether the scroll position is maintained between postbacks.
Protected propertyPositionMarker
Gets the name of the hidden field that carries a scroll position.
Public propertyProcessMacroSecurity
Indicates if security parameters in macros are handled automatically.
(Inherited from CMSTextBox.)
Protected propertyScrollPosition
Gets the scroll position to use on postback.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text content of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox control. If ProcessMacroSecurity is true, macro security parameters are processed.
(Inherited from CMSTextBox.)
Public propertyValueIsMacro
If true, the value is processed as a macro (signed as a whole)
(Inherited from CMSTextBox.)
Public propertyWatermarkCssClass
The CSS class to apply to the TextBox when it has no value (e.g. the watermark text is shown).
(Inherited from CMSTextBox.)
Public propertyWatermarkText
The text to show when the control has no value.
(Inherited from CMSTextBox.)
Public propertyWrap
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text content wraps.
(Overrides TextBoxWrap.)
See Also