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CMSServerTransferResult Properties

The CMSServerTransferResult type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCacheability
Sets the cacheability part of Cache-Control HTTP header value.
(Inherited from CMSActionResult.)
Public propertyCacheRevalidation
Sets the revalidation part of Cache-Control HTTP header value.
(Inherited from CMSActionResult.)
Public propertyExpires
Sets the Expires HTTP header to an absolute date and time.
(Inherited from CMSActionResult.)
Public propertyLastModified
Sets the Last-Modified HTTP header to the specified date and time.
(Inherited from CMSActionResult.)
Public propertyNoStore
Sets the Cache-Control: no-store HTTP header.
(Inherited from CMSActionResult.)
Public propertyPath
The URL path of the new page on the server to execute.
See Also