Click or drag to resize
HtmlHelperExtensions Methods

The HtmlHelperExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberComponentPropertiesData
Renders a hidden field to persist the component properties data for a form action. Does not render hidden field in case the widget does not have properties.
Public methodStatic memberEditableArea(HtmlHelperExtensionPoint, String, EditableAreaOptions)
Renders editable area markup.
Public methodStatic memberEditableArea(HtmlHelperExtensionPoint, String, String)
Renders editable area markup.
Public methodStatic memberEditableArea(HtmlHelperExtensionPoint, String, String, String) Obsolete.
Renders editable area markup.
Public methodStatic memberPageBuilderScripts
Renders necessary scripts for Page builder feature.
Public methodStatic memberPageBuilderStyles
Renders necessary stylesheet link tags for Page builder feature. In edit mode, both page builder (with inline editors) related styles and form widget styles are included. Otherwise, both page builder (without inline editors) and form widget styles are included.
Public methodStatic memberPageData
Renders a hidden field to persist the page data context for a form action.
Public methodStatic memberRenderNestedWidget
Renders widget markup based on given widget type as part of a different widget.
Public methodStatic memberRenderStandaloneWidget
Renders widget markup based on given widget type and properties.
Public methodStatic memberWidgetZone
Renders widget zone markup.
See Also