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FormExtensions Methods

The FormExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBeginWrappingElement
Renders the start tag of wrapping HTML element based on configuration. An empty string is returned, when configuration is null or does not specify an ElementName.
Public methodStatic memberEditor
Returns an HTML editing element for given formComponent.
Public methodStatic memberEndWrappingElement
Renders the end tag of wrapping HTML element based on configuration. An empty string is returned, when configuration is null or does not specify an ElementName.
Public methodStatic memberFormField
Returns HTML markup for given formComponent. The markup contains a label and an editing element representing the form component given.
Public methodStatic memberFormFields
Returns HTML markup for given enumeration of form components. The markup contains a label and an editing element representing each of the form components.
Public methodStatic memberLabel
Returns an HTML label element for given formComponent.
Public methodStatic memberSmartFieldIcon
Returns a smart field icon if provided formComponent is a smart field.
Public methodStatic memberValidationSummary
Renders a validation summary for a form with clickable labels.
See Also