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KenticoRequestLogController Methods

The KenticoRequestLogController type exposes the following members.

Protected methodBadRequest
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult that produces a BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Protected methodForbid
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult that produces a Forbidden response.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Public methodGet
Returns debug information for the specified debug name.
Public methodGetAllCacheItems
Returns all items from the cache.
Public methodGetCacheItem
Returns the specified item from the cache.
Protected methodJson
Creates an ContentResult that produces a response with content type 'application/json'.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Protected methodNotFound
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult that produces a NotFound response.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Protected methodStatusCode
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult by specifying a statusCode.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
Protected methodUnauthorized
Creates an HttpStatusCodeResult that produces a Unauthorized response.
(Inherited from ControllerProxy.)
See Also