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AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType Methods

The AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType generic type exposes the following members.

Protected methodChangeManagerTypeOriginalType
Changes the default manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.)
Public methodChangeManagerTypeTo
Changes the manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.)
Protected methodCreateActionArgumentsInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, UserInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, String)
Creates action arguments with prefilled parameters.
Protected methodCreateActionArgumentsInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, UserInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowInfo, AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType, String)
Creates action arguments.
Protected methodEvaluateSourcePointsInternal
Evaluates source points with given macro resolver
Public methodEvaluateTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo, Int32, MacroResolver)
Evaluates list of existing transitions for given workflow step and returns either one best match or multiple transitions matched
Public methodEvaluateTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo, Int32, MacroResolver, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum)
Evaluates list of existing transitions for given workflow step and returns either one best match or multiple transitions matched
Protected methodGetActionStatusInternal
Gets action status
Protected methodGetBasicResolverInternal
Gets basic resolver for evaluation of transitions and source points
Public methodGetEmailResolver
Get resolver for e-mail sending.
Protected methodGetEvalResolverInternal
Gets resolver for evaluation of transitions and source points
Protected methodGetNextStepInfoInternal
Returns list of next steps for given object.
Protected methodGetPreviousStepInfoFromManualInboundTransitionInternal
Tries to get previous step info from manual transition leading into given step.
Protected methodGetPreviousStepInfoInternal
Returns previous step information for given node.
Protected methodGetPreviousStepsInternal
Returns list of previous steps for current workflow cycle
Protected methodGetStepInboundTransitionsInternal
Gets transitions leading into given step.
Public methodGetStepTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo)
Gets all workflow step transitions
Public methodGetStepTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum)
Gets workflow step transitions
Protected methodHandleStepInternal
Handles step additional actions
Protected methodHandleStepTimeoutInternal
Handles step timeout
Protected methodLogHopsReachedWarningInternal
Logs warning about maximum hops reached
Public methodLogMessage
Logs custom message to event log.
Protected methodLogMessageInternal
Logs message to the event log
Protected methodLogMissingConnectionWarningInternal
Logs warning about missing connection
Protected methodMoveStepInternal
Moves the specified object to the first step without automatic transition in the workflow and returns the final step.
Protected methodMoveToSpecificStepInternal
Moves the specified object to the specified step in the workflow and returns workflow step.
Protected methodMoveToStepInternal
Moves the specified object to the specified step in the workflow and returns the step.
Protected methodProcessActionInternal
Processes action connected to given step.
Public methodProcessActions
Processes all actions in scope.
Protected methodProcessActionsInternal
Processes all actions in scope.
Public methodSendWorkflowEmails
Sends the workflow e-mails to given recipients.
Protected methodSendWorkflowEmailsInternal
Sends the workflow e-mails to given recipients.
Protected methodSetActionStatusInternal
Sets action status
See Also