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SchedulingHelper Methods

The SchedulingHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberApplicationInterval
Gets application scheduler interval.
Public methodStatic memberClear
Clears the enabled status of the scheduler so it can reload
Public methodStatic memberDecodeInterval
Decodes interval string from database.
Public methodStatic memberEnableSchedulerForApplication
Enables the scheduler feature for application.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeInterval
Encodes interval for save it to database.
Public methodStatic memberGetFirstRunTime
Returns date and time when the very first scheduling moment occurs based on the current date and time and the scheduling pattern.
Public methodStatic memberGetNextTime
Returns date and time when the next scheduling moment occurs based on the current date and time and the scheduling pattern.
Public methodStatic memberIsAnyTaskRunning
Returns true if there are any currently running tasks.
Public methodStatic memberIsExternalTaskTooLate
Returns true if externally handled task did not execute for more than certain amount of times.
Public methodStatic memberLogTask
Logs task.
Public methodStatic memberRunEndRequestScheduler
Attempts to run the scheduler request based on scheduler configuration.
Public methodStatic memberRunSchedulerRequest
Runs the request to the scheduler page.
See Also