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LeadReplicationHelper Methods

The LeadReplicationHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetContact
Returns a contact with the specified identifier.
Protected methodGetContactInternal
Returns a contact with the specified identifier.
Public methodStatic memberGetContactsForInsert
Returns an array of contacts for replication into SalesForce leads.
Protected methodGetContactsForInsertInternal
Returns an array of contacts for replication into SalesForce leads.
Public methodStatic memberGetContactsForUpdate
Returns an array of contacts that have been updated since the last replication into SalesForce leads.
Protected methodGetContactsForUpdateInternal
Returns an array of contacts that have been updated since the last replication into SalesForce leads.
Public methodStatic memberGetCustomizedFields
Gets a list of SalesForce field names whose values are retrieved from an overriden PrepareLeadForReplicationInternal(Entity, ContactInfo) method.
Protected methodGetCustomizedFieldsInternal
Gets a list of SalesForce field names whose values are retrieved from an overriden PrepareLeadForReplicationInternal(Entity, ContactInfo) method.
Public methodStatic memberPrepareLeadForReplication
Modifies the SalesForce lead after the contact mapping.
Protected methodPrepareLeadForReplicationInternal
Modifies the SalesForce lead after the contact mapping.
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also