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GetFileService Methods

The GetFileService type exposes the following members.

Protected methodETagsMatch
Checks if given and requested ETags match and object has current timestamp.
(Inherited from ActionResultServiceBase.)
Protected methodFileNotFound
Responds HTTP code 404 Not Found.
(Inherited from ActionResultServiceBase.)
Protected methodForbidden
Responds HTTP code 403 Forbidden.
(Inherited from ActionResultServiceBase.)
Public methodGetActionResult
Process the request.
(Inherited from ActionResultServiceBase.)
Protected methodGetActionResultInternal
Process the request.
(Inherited from ActionResultServiceBase.)
Protected methodGetIfModifiedSinceRequestHeader
Returns the value of If-Modified-Since HTTP header or if the header not found.
(Inherited from ActionResultServiceBase.)
Protected methodHandleClientCache
Sets client cache headers. Returns CMSNotModifiedResult when requested file is in client's cache, otherwise.
Protected methodHasIfModifiedSinceRequestHeader
Returns when non-empty If-Modified-Since header is present in current request.
(Inherited from ActionResultServiceBase.)
Protected methodSetResponseHeaders
Sets response headers.
Protected methodUnauthorized
Responds HTTP code 401 Unauthorized.
(Inherited from ActionResultServiceBase.)
See Also