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VirtualContext Methods

The VirtualContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddPathHash
Calculates hash for the given path and appends it to the URL.
Public methodStatic memberContainsVirtualContextPrefix
Returns true if the URL contains virtual context prefix
Public methodStatic memberGetFormBuilderPath
Returns path containing VirtualContext data required by Form builder.
Public methodStatic memberGetItem
Gets the particular item from virtual context
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviewLinkParameters
Gets the collection of parameters for preview path.
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviewLinkPathFromVirtualContext
Gets preview link path based on given path and current initialized context.
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviewModeParameters
Gets the collection of parameters for preview mode.
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviewModePathFromVirtualContext
Gets preview mode path based on given path and current initialized context.
Public methodStatic memberGetVirtualContextPath
Removes the virtual context prefix from the given URL
Public methodStatic memberGetVirtualContextPrefix
Gets the prefix for the virtual context URL
Public methodStatic memberHandleVirtualContext
Loads and stores the virtual context values for the request.
Public methodStatic memberItemIsSet
Returns true, if the given item is set
Public methodStatic memberLoadVirtualContextValues
Loads the virtual context values from the URL into a NameValueCollection.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveVirtualContextPrefix
Removes the virtual context prefix from the given URL
Public methodStatic memberReplaceVirtualContextPrefix
Replaces the virtual context prefix from the given URL with a new one
Public methodStatic memberReset
Resets the current virtual context
Public methodStatic memberSetItem
Sets the particular item in the virtual context
Public methodStatic memberStoreVirtualContextValues
Stores key-value pairs into virtual context.
Public methodStatic memberValidatePathHash
Validates the hash of the relative path of the document.
Public methodStatic memberValidatePrincipal
Validates whether the request carries a valid user name. The username can be either in the URL or in a cookie.
See Also