Click or drag to resize
BrowserHelper Methods

The BrowserHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodContainsColumn
Returns true if given column exists.
Public methodStatic memberGetBrowser
Gets the browser string from current request.
Public methodStatic memberGetBrowserClass
Gets the browser specific CSS class name.
Public methodStatic memberGetMajorVersion
Gets browser major version.
Public methodStatic memberGetMinorVersion
Gets browser minor version.
Public methodStatic memberGetUrlReferrer
Returns UrlReferrer from request.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserAgent
Returns mobile browser agent.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserLanguages
Returns list of browser user languages from request.
Public methodGetValue
Returns given property from BrowserHelper. Setter is not implemented
Public methodStatic memberIsChrome
Returns true if current browser is Chrome.
Public methodStatic memberIsGecko
Indicates if browser is based on Gecko.
Public methodStatic memberIsIE
Indicates if browser is Internet explorer.
Public methodStatic memberIsMobileDevice
Indicates if browser is mobile device.
Public methodStatic memberIsMobileDevice(Boolean)
Indicates if browser is mobile device.
Public methodStatic memberIsOpera
Indicates if browser is Opera.
Public methodStatic memberIsSafari
Returns true if current browser is Safari.
Public methodStatic memberIsWebKit
Indicates if browser is based on WebKit.
Public methodStatic memberIsWin32
Indicates if client is a Win-32 based comupter.
Public methodSetValue
Not implemented.
Public methodTryGetValue
Returns given property from BrowserHelper
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCheckRequiredColumns
Returns true if given list of columns do not have null values in the object
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToJSON
Returns JSON representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToXML(XmlWriter, Boolean)Overloaded.
Writes XML representation of current instance of IDataContainer to provided XmlWriter.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToXML(String, Boolean)Overloaded.
Returns XML representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToXML(XmlWriter, ListString, Boolean)Overloaded.
Writes XML representation of selected columns of current instance of IDataContainer to provided XmlWriter.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
See Also