Click or drag to resize
LayoutForm Methods

The LayoutForm type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddControlToPanel
Adds control to form panel.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodAddFormElement
Adds control for the field according to specified type.
Protected methodAddNonMacroContent
Adds other content from form layout into the form.
Protected methodAddSubmitButton
Inserts submit button to form.
Protected methodCreateCollapsibleImage
Gets collapsible image.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateEditingFormControl
Creates new EditingFormControl and puts it into FieldEditingControls hash table.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateErrorLabel
Creates the validation label for a field.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateFieldLabel
Creates the field label.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodElementCanBeAdded
Indicates if element can be added into layout.
Protected methodGenerateMacroContent
Creates form content according to found macro.
Public methodIsCategoryCollapsed
Returns true if the given category is collapsed
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodIsExcludedRequiredField
Indicates if field is excluded from applying the required field format string.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodLoadHiddenControls
Loads hidden controls from layout.
Public methodLoadLayout
Loads form layout
(Overrides AbstractLayoutLoadLayout.)
See Also