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EventLogHelper Methods

The EventLogHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClearEventLog
Clears entire event log and writes new event record with information about this action and the user who performed it.
Protected methodClearEventLogInternal
Clears entire event log and writes new event record with information about this action and the user who performed it.
Public methodStatic memberGetChangedFields
Gets the list of changed fields in the given object.
Protected methodGetChangedFieldsInternal
Gets the list of changed fields in the given object.
Public methodStatic memberGetEventText
Gets log event text from DataRow
Protected methodGetEventTextInternal(EventLogData)
Gets log event text from event data object
Protected methodGetEventTextInternal(EventLogInfo)
Gets log event text from DataRow
Public methodStatic memberGetEventTypeText
Returns user-friendly string for the given event type.
Protected methodGetEventTypeTextInternal
Returns user-friendly string for the given event type.
Public methodStatic memberGetFields
Gets the list of fields in the given object.
Protected methodGetFieldsInternal
Gets the list of fields in the given object.
Public methodStatic memberLogDelete
Logs deletion of an object.
Protected methodLogDeleteInternal
Logs deletion of an object.
Public methodStatic memberLogEventToFile(EventLogInfo)
Logs the log object to file.
Public methodStatic memberLogEventToFile(String, String, String, String, String, Int32, String, Int32, String, String, Int32, String, String, String, DateTime)
Logs the query to file.
Protected methodLogEventToFileInternal(EventLogInfo)
Logs the log object to file.
Protected methodLogEventToFileInternal(String, String, String, String, String, Int32, String, Int32, String, String, Int32, String, String, String, DateTime)
Logs the query to file.
Public methodStatic memberLogInsert
Logs insertion of an object.
Protected methodLogInsertInternal
Logs insertion of an object.
Public methodStatic memberLogUpdate
Logs update of an object.
Protected methodLogUpdateInternal
Logs update of an object.
Public methodStatic memberSendEmailNotification(EventLogData, String)
Sends email notification regarding received eventLogData.
Public methodStatic memberSendEmailNotification(EventLogInfo, String)
Logs the query to file.
Protected methodSendEmailNotificationInternal(EventLogData, String)
Sends email notification regarding received eventLogData.
Protected methodSendEmailNotificationInternal(EventLogInfo, String)
Logs the query to file.
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also