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ShoppingCartItemValidator Methods

The ShoppingCartItemValidator type exposes the following members.

Public methodValidate
Validates individual shopping cart item. The following conditions must hold true for each item in cart for validation to pass: 1) All shopping cart items are enabled 2) Max units in one order are not exceeded 3) There is enough units in the inventory 4) Customer is registered, if there is a membership type product in the cart 5) Product validity is valid, if there is a membership or e-product type product in the cart.
Protected methodValidateCustomerMembership
Validates that customer is either a member or membership is not required.
Protected methodValidateMaxCartUnits
Validates that cart does not contain more items than allowed.
Protected methodValidateMinCartUnits
Validates that cart contains at least required amount of units.
Protected methodValidateSKUIsEnabled
Validates that SKU is enabled and not expired.
Protected methodValidateUnitsInStock
Validates that cart does not contain more items than are currently in stock.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodContainsTValidatorError
Returns a value indicating whether a validation error of type TValidatorError is in Errors.
(Defined by IValidatorExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstErrorType
Returns Type of the first validation error in Errors.
(Defined by IValidatorExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetErrorMessages
Returns collection of localized error messages that occurred during validation.
(Defined by IValidatorExtensions.)
See Also