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DocumentHierarchyHelper Methods

The DocumentHierarchyHelper type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCallEndCollection(TraverseObjectSettings, String)
Calls given delegate with required parameters if delegate is not null.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodCallEndCollection(TraverseObjectSettings, String, Boolean)
Calls given delegate with required parameters if delegate is not null.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodCallItemCallback
Calls item callback if exists.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodCallObjectCallback
Calls object callback if exists.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodCallStartCollection(TraverseObjectSettings, String)
Calls given delegate with required parameters if delegate is not null.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodCallStartCollection(TraverseObjectSettings, String, Boolean)
Calls given delegate with required parameters if delegate is not null.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodDataAvailable
Returns true if the data can be exported
(Overrides HierarchyHelperDataAvailable.)
Protected methodExportCategoryObjects
Exports categories data to given StringBuilder object.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Public methodExportObject
Returns XML representation of given instance of info object.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodExportObjectData
Exports the object data
(Overrides HierarchyHelperExportObjectData.)
Protected methodGetMetadataSource
Gets the metadata source object
(Overrides HierarchyHelperGetMetadataSource.)
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeClassName(String, ExportFormatEnum)
Parses NodeClassName from node data.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeClassName(String, ExportFormatEnum, Boolean)
Parses NodeClassName from node data.
Protected methodGetSyndicationItem
Gets the syndication item created from current object
(Overrides HierarchyHelperGetSyndicationItem(SyndicationContent).)
Public methodStatic memberLoadObjectFromDataSet(TreeNode, DataSet, Boolean, ListString, ListString)
Loads object data including collection from a given data set.
Protected methodStatic memberLoadObjectFromDataSet(TreeNode, DataSet, Boolean, Int32, ListString, ListString)
Loads TreeNode data including collection from a given data set.
Public methodStatic memberLoadObjectFromJSON
Loads objects data including collection from a given JSON representation.
Public methodStatic memberLoadObjectFromXML
Loads objects data including collection from a given XML representation.
Protected methodProcessArraySeparatorMethod
Handles array separator of the collection export.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodProcessEndCollectionMethod
Handles end of the collection export.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodProcessIDMethod
Handles FK ID (can be used to fill translation helper for example).
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodProcessItemMethod
Handles FK ID (can be used to fill translation helper for example).
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodProcessObjectMethod
Handles export to required format.
(Overrides HierarchyHelperProcessObjectMethod(TraverseObjectSettings, ICMSObject, Int32).)
Protected methodProcessStartCollectionMethod
Handles start of the collection export.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Public methodStatic memberTraverseNodeStructure(TraverseObjectSettings, TreeNode)
Traverses hierarchical structure of tree node and processes ID callbacks.
Protected methodTraverseNodeStructure(TraverseObjectSettings, TreeNode, Int32)
Traverses hierarchical structure of tree node and processes ID callbacks.
Protected methodTraverseObjectCollection
Exports given child collection.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
Protected methodTraverseObjectStructure(TraverseObjectSettings, GeneralizedInfo, Int32)
Goes through the object structure and calls given delegates.
(Inherited from HierarchyHelper.)
See Also