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AssetControllerPost Method
Performs saving of the CampaignAssetInfo corresponding to the given CampaignAssetViewModel. The CampaignAssetInfo is inserted with the values obtained from campaignAssetViewModel.

Namespace: CMS.WebAnalytics.Web.UI
Assembly: CMS.WebAnalytics.Web.UI (in CMS.WebAnalytics.Web.UI.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public CampaignAssetViewModel Post(
	CampaignAssetViewModel campaignAssetViewModel


Type: CMS.WebAnalyticsCampaignAssetViewModel
Instance of updated view-model. This instance will be used to creating corresponding CampaignAssetInfo

Return Value

Type: CampaignAssetViewModel
HTTP status code 400 Bad request, if model state of binded campaignAssetViewModel was not valid; otherwise, HTTP status code 200 OK with serialized campaignAssetViewModel. This campaign has CampaignID filled with the data from the DB.
See Also