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AnalyticsData Constructor (Int32, String, Int32, Decimal, String, Uri, String)
Initializes a new instance of AnalyticsData.

Namespace: CMS.WebAnalytics
Assembly: CMS.WebAnalytics (in CMS.WebAnalytics.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public AnalyticsData(
	int siteId,
	string objectName,
	int hits = 1,
	[OptionalAttribute] decimal value,
	string culture = null,
	Uri uri = null,
	string hostAddress = null


Type: SystemInt32
Site identifier under which the analytics data will be logged.
Type: SystemString
Object name which will be logged. It's also used in reports.
hits (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
Number of hits, has to be positive number.
value (Optional)
Type: SystemDecimal
Optional hit value.
culture (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Optional culture which will be logged.
uri (Optional)
Type: SystemUri
Optional URL which is used for checks. Absolute URL is expected.
hostAddress (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Optional client IP address which is used to check excluded IP addresses.
See Also