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AbstractAutomationManagerInfoTypeGetUsersWhoCanMove Method (InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Int32, String)

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Returns list of all the users who can move object to the next step.

Namespace: CMS.Automation
Assembly: CMS.Automation (in CMS.Automation.dll) Version: 13.0.131
[ObsoleteAttribute("Method was not intended for public use and will be removed in the next version.")]
public InfoDataSet<UserInfo> GetUsersWhoCanMove(
	InfoType infoObj,
	AutomationStateInfo stateObj,
	SourcePoint sourcePoint,
	bool assigned,
	bool managers,
	bool administrators,
	string where = null,
	string orderBy = null,
	int topN = 0,
	string columns = null


Type: InfoType
Object instance
Type: CMS.AutomationAutomationStateInfo
State object
Type: CMS.WorkflowEngine.DefinitionsSourcePoint
Step source point (for steps with multiple outgoing transitions)
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates if users assigned to the workflow steps should be get. Users in the generic roles are not included
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates if users who have the manage workflow permission should be get
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates if users who are global administrators should be get
where (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Where condition
orderBy (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Order by clause
topN (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
Top N items
columns (Optional)
Type: SystemString
List of columns to return

Return Value

Type: InfoDataSetUserInfo
Returns defined role users, Global administrators and users who have the Manage processes permission for the object
See Also