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IResponse Interface
Defines implementation capable of preparing web response on the server.

Namespace: CMS.Base
Assembly: CMS.Base (in CMS.Base.dll) Version: 12.0.0
public interface IResponse

The IResponse type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCache
Gets the caching policy (such as expiration time, privacy settings, and vary clauses) of the current Web page.
Public propertyCookies
Gets the response cookie collection.
Public propertyHeaderEncoding
Gets or sets the encoding for the header of the current response.
Public propertyHeaders
Gets the collection of response headers.
Public propertyRedirectLocation
Gets or sets the value of the HTTP Location header.
Public propertyStatusCode
Gets or sets the HTTP status code of the output that is returned to the client.
Public methodAddHeader
Adds an HTTP header to the current response.
Public methodClear
Clears all headers and content output from the current response.
Public methodEnd
Sends all currently buffered output to the client, stops execution of the requested process.
Public methodRedirect
Redirects a request to the specified URL and specifies whether execution of the current process should terminate.
Public methodRedirectPermanent
Performs a permanent redirect from the requested URL to the specified URL, and provides the option to complete the response.
Public methodSetCookie
Updates an existing cookie in the cookie collection.
Public methodWrite
Writes the specified string to the HTTP response output stream.
See Also