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InfoTemplateProperty Properties

The InfoTemplate. InfoTemplateProperty type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowEmpty
Gets a value that indicates if the property is not required to have a value.
Public propertyComment
Gets the property comment.
Public propertyDefaultValue
Gets a default value of the property.
Public propertyGetMethod
Gets the name of the method to be used to obtain the property value in the property get method.
Public propertyHasDatabaseRepresentation
Indicates if property has database representation.
Public propertyName
Gets the property name.
Public propertyReferenceToObjectType
ObjectType to which the given field refers (for example as a foreign key).
Public propertyReferenceType
Type of the reference (used only when ReferenceToObjectType is set).
Public propertyType
Gets the property type.
Public propertyTypeDefaultValue
Gets a default value of the type.
Public propertyUseGetValue
Gets a value that indicates if the GetValue method is to be used in the property get method.
See Also