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CouponCodeCollection Methods

The CouponCodeCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd
Adds coupon with given couponCode and status to the collection.
Public methodApply
Applies all applicable coupon codes during order creation.
Public methodStatic memberDeserialize
Returns a new instance of CouponCodeCollection deserialized from given string.
Public methodIsAppliedInCart
Returns true when given codes is present and was applied in cart.
Public methodIsAppliedInOrder
Returns true when given codes is present and was applied in order.
Public methodIsNotAppliedInCart
Returns true when given codes is present in cart, but it is not applied.
Public methodMerge
Merge existing coupon codes with given ones.
Public methodRemove
Removes the coupon with given couponCode from collection. Does nothing when no such coupon exists.
Public methodSerialize
Serializes the collection into string.
See Also