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AbstractFileSystemProgressLoggingJob Methods

The AbstractFileSystemProgressLoggingJob type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCancellableForEachT(CancellationToken, IEnumerableT, ActionT)
Enumerates through collection checking cancellationToken before each iteration and performing action on each item in the collection.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodCancellableForEachT(CancellationToken, IEnumerableT, ActionT, Int32)
Enumerates through collection checking cancellationToken before each iteration and performing action on each item in the collection.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodCheckContinuousIntegrationLicense
Check license requirement for Continuous Integration and throws LicenseException if they are not met.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodStatic memberGetLogObjectName(BaseInfo)
Gets display name or code name or GUID or ID of provided info.
Protected methodStatic memberGetLogObjectName(ObjectTypeInfo, BaseInfo)
Gets display name or code name or GUID or ID of provided info.
Protected methodGetNewJobWithSharedResourcesTJob
Gets new job of TJob using factoryJobGetter and initializes it with all properties used in InitializeWith``1(UMP, FileSystemJobConfiguration) of the job calling this method.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodGetNewJobWithSharedResourcesAndHandlersTJob
Gets new job of TJob using factoryJobGetter and initializes it with all properties used in InitializeWith``1(UMP, FileSystemJobConfiguration) and registers all handlers using SetLogProgressHandler``1(UMP, EventHandlerLogProgressEventArgs) of the job calling this method.
Protected methodInitializeCancellationToken
If provided cancellationToken is not null, the token is used; otherwise, new CancellationToken is created so as the derived class does not need to -checked each token's use.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
Protected methodRaiseLogProgress(LogItem)
Logs message to progress log.
Protected methodRaiseLogProgress(String, LogItemTypeEnum, LogItemActionTypeEnum)
Logs message to progress log.
Protected methodRegisterTranslationRecord
Registers a new translation record into TranslationHelper.
(Inherited from AbstractFileSystemJob.)
See Also