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RegisteredPropertiesTParent Methods

The RegisteredPropertiesTParent generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddTProperty(String, FuncTParent, Object, ActionTParent, Object)
Registers the given property to the object
Public methodAddPropertyType(String, Object, FuncTParent, Object, Object, ActionTParent, Object, Object)
Registers the given parametrized property to the object.
Protected methodAddProperty
Adds the property name to the collection of registered properties (Ensures locking for thread safety)
Public methodCollectColumns
Collects the marked properties from the given object
Public methodCollectProperties
Collects the marked properties from the given object
Public methodContains
Returns true if given property is already registered.
Public methodEvaluate
Evaluates the particular property
Public methodGetPropertyType
Gets the type of the given property
Public methodGetRegisteredProperties
Gets list of registered properties.
Public methodHasSetter
Returns true if given property has a setter
Public methodHide
Hides the given property from the property list
Protected methodRemoveProperty
Removes the property name to the collection of registered properties (Ensures locking for thread safety)
Public methodSet
Evaluates the particular property
See Also