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ECommerceHelper Class
Custom E-commerce helper.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Ecommerce
Assembly: CMS.Ecommerce (in CMS.Ecommerce.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public static class ECommerceHelper

The ECommerceHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCouponCodeComparer
Gets the comparer for coupon codes. Provides case-insensitive ordinal string comparison.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteOrDisable Obsolete.
Checks dependencies of given object and deletes it when nothing depends. Disables object otherwise. Needs EnabledColumn to be filled in TypeInfo of given object.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllCouponCodesQuery
Returns data query with all existing coupon codes from all existing discounts.
Public methodStatic memberGetFormattedPercentageValue
Returns formatted value with removed trailing zero values and added trailing percentage character.
Public methodStatic memberGetLastUsedOrDefaultAddress
Gets last used customer address if present or address with a default country defined in the 'CMSStoreDefaultCountryName' setting key.
Public methodStatic memberGetSiteID
Returns 0 if specified site uses global objects based on the specified e-commerce setting, otherwise returns site ID of the specified site.
Public methodStatic memberGetTableColumnSum Obsolete.
Returns sum of all values from the specified table column.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedForPermission(String, String, IUserInfo)
Checks the specified ecommerce permission for the given user.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedForPermission(String, String, IUserInfo, Boolean)
Checks the specified ecommerce permission for the given user.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyConfiguration
Checks whether the user is authorized to modify site/global e-commerce configuration.
Public methodStatic memberTrackAddToShoppingCartConversion
Tracks add to shopping cart conversion.
Public methodStatic memberTrackOrderConversion
Tracks order conversion.
Public methodStatic memberTrackOrderItemsConversions
Tracks conversions of all order items
Public methodStatic memberTrackRegistrationConversion
Tracks registration conversion.
See Also