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TreePathUtils Class
Provides static helper methods for converting and validating paths, aliases and names.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DocumentEngine
Assembly: CMS.DocumentEngine (in CMS.DocumentEngine.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public static class TreePathUtils

The TreePathUtils type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberMAX_NAME_LENGTH
Maximal length of the node document name.
Public fieldStatic memberMAXURLPATHLENGTH
Maximal length of the node URLPath.
Public fieldStatic memberURL_PREFIX_MVC
URL prefix for the MVC
Public fieldStatic memberURL_PREFIX_ROUTE
URL prefix for the Routing
Public propertyStatic memberAllowedURLPathValues
Returns string containing allowed characters that cant be used in URL path.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxAliasLength
Maximal length of the node alias name.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxNameLength
Maximal length of the node document name.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxURLPathLength
Maximal length of the URL path.
Public propertyStatic memberRemoveDiacriticForSafeURLPath
Indicates if diacritics should be removed from the URL path.
Public propertyStatic memberUseLimitURLReplacements
Gets the value that indicates whether whether multiple, starting and trailing replacements should be limited.
Public methodStatic memberAllowPermanentPreviewLink
Returns true if document workflow cycle GUID shouldn't be changed when moving from publish/archive step to edit step.
Public methodStatic memberAutomaticallyUpdateDocumentAlias
Returns true if the document alias should be automatically updated upon document name change.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureChildPath
Ensures path to be for all child pages.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureMaxFileNameLength
Ensures maximal length of the file name. Reflects the class node name source field size.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureMaxNodeAliasLength
Ensures maximal allowed node alias length.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureMaxNodeNameLength
Ensures maximal length of the node document name. Reflects the class node name source field size.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureSingleNodePath
Ensures node alias path to be only for single document.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureSinglePath
Ensures path to be only for a single page.
Public methodStatic memberGetAlias
Returns the alias from the given alias path.
Public methodStatic memberGetAliasPathByNodeId
Returns the AliasPath equivalent for the given node ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetAliasPathCondition
Returns the where condition for node alias path expression.
Public methodStatic memberGetClassNameByDocumentID
Returns the node class name corresponding to the given document ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentIdByDocumentGUID
Returns the Document ID equivalent for the given document GUID.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentSite
Returns the site info of the specified original document ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentUrl
Returns document URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetFilesUrlExtension
Returns files URL extension used for friendly URLs for specified site.
Public methodStatic memberGetFirstChildUrl
Gets first child document URL
Public methodStatic memberGetMaxNameLength
Gets maximal length of the node document name. Reflects the class node name source field size.
Public methodStatic memberGetMenuCaption
Returns the menu caption.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeAliasPathsOnPath
Gets list of node alias paths for all documents on given path.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeByAliasPath
Gets the base node record (CMS_Tree) by the alias path and site name.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeGUIDByNodeId
Returns the Node GUID equivalent for the given node ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeIdByAliasPath
Returns the node ID corresponding to the given aliasPath.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeIdByNodeGUID
Returns the Node ID equivalent for the given node GUID.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeParentId
Returns the parent node ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeSite
Returns the site info of the specified node.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodesOnPathWhereCondition
Returns where condition for all nodes on the path to the given alias path.
Public methodStatic memberGetParentPath(String)
Returns the parent path for the specified path (any kind of path with "/" as a separator)
Public methodStatic memberGetParentPath(String, Int32)
Returns the parent path for the specified path, with distance of parentLevel from the given path.
Public methodStatic memberGetPathLevel
Returns the specified path level created from the given path.
Public methodStatic memberGetRedirectionUrl(PageInfo, MacroResolver)
Gets relative redirection URL based on given settings
Public methodStatic memberGetRedirectionUrl(String, String, String, String, Boolean, MacroResolver)
Gets relative redirection URL based on given settings
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeDocumentName
Replaces back slash in document name.
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeNodeAlias
Returns node alias without forbidden characters.
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeNodeAliasPath
Returns node alias path without forbidden characters.
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeUrlPath
Returns the URL path without forbidden characters and trimmed to the maximal allowed length.
Public methodStatic memberGetUniqueNodeAlias
Returns the unique node alias for the given node, node alias and parent node.
Public methodStatic memberGetUniqueNodeName
Returns the unique node name for the given node, node name and parent node.
Public methodStatic memberGetUniqueUrlPath
Gets the safe unique URL path for the specified document. Safe URL path means that the forbidden characters are removed from the path parts, the path is trimmed to the maximal allowed length and the parts correspond with level of nesting.
Public methodStatic memberGetUrlExtension
Returns URL extension used for friendly URLs for specified site.
Public methodStatic memberGetUrlPathDisplayName
Gets the URL path display name
Public methodStatic memberIsMenuItemType
Returns true, if the class name is considered to be menu item type document.
Public methodStatic memberKeepChangedDocumentsAccessible
Returns true if the documents should be accessible after change (if the alias should be automatically generated for them).
Public methodStatic memberNewDocumentOrder
Returns the new document order settings for the given site.
Public methodStatic memberParseUrlPath
Parses the prefix and default values out of the URL path
Public methodStatic memberPathContainsWildcardChars
Returns true if path contains wildcard characters(% or _)
Public methodStatic memberUseNamePathForUrlPath
Returns true if the new documents should automatically use the name path for their URL path.
See Also