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ContinuousIntegrationTranslationHelper Class
Custom translation helper which ensures that ObjectFileNameFields are retrieved along with other translation data (to improve performance of file system names creation).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.ContinuousIntegration.Internal
Assembly: CMS.ContinuousIntegration (in CMS.ContinuousIntegration.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public class ContinuousIntegrationTranslationHelper : TranslationHelper

The ContinuousIntegrationTranslationHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodContinuousIntegrationTranslationHelper
Protected fieldmConnection
Connection object used to access data.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public propertyIDConversion
ID conversion table [objectType.ToLowerCSafe()] -> hash table [OldID -> NewID]
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public propertyTranslationTable
Returns the translation table.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public propertyUseDisplayNameAsCodeName
If true, display name is used instead of the code name.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodAddIDTranslation
Adds the ID translation to the translation table.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodChangeCodeName
Changes the object code name in the table.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodClear
Clears the whole cache.
(Overrides TranslationHelperClear.)
Public methodFilterExistingRecords
Filters the existing records from the given array.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetCodeName(String, Int32)
Returns the code name of the specified object.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetCodeName(String, Int32, String)
Returns the code name of the specified object.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetDefaultValue
Gets default value.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetID
Returns the object ID for specified record.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetIDWithFallback
Returns the object ID for specified record calling GetID(TranslationParameters). If record could not be found, method falls back to GetIDFromDB(GetIDParameters, String) and eventually registers DB object in the helper. If neither attempt results into valid object ID, 0 is returned.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetNewID(String, Int32, String, Int32, String, String, String)
Gets the new ID for given old ID.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetNewID(String, Int32, String, Int32, String, String, String, Boolean, Int32)
Gets the new ID for given old ID.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetNewIDs
Gets the dictionary of new IDs for the given list of old IDs [oldId => [ newId, newGroupId ]] Caches the newly retrieved items in the conversion cache
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetRecord(TranslationParameters)
Gets the record specified by parameters.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetRecord(String, Int32)
Gets the record by ID.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodGetTranslationsXml
Gets the translations XML
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodHasRecords
Returns true if the helper contains some records.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodRecordExists
Returns true if specified record exists in translation table.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodRegisterDynamicRecords
Registers the records from the given table.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodRegisterRecord
Registers the record within given translation table.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodRegisterRecords(IListInt32, String, String, String)
Registers the records from the given list.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodRegisterRecords(String, IListInt32, String, String)
Registers the records from the given ID list.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodRegisterRecords(DataTable, String, String, String, String)
Registers the records from the given table.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodRemoveDefaultValue
Removes default value.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodSetDefaultValue
Sets default value.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodTranslateColumn(DataRow, String, String, Int32)
Translates the DataRow column.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodTranslateColumn(GeneralizedInfo, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Translates the column value of the given info object.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodTranslateColumn(IDataContainer, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Translates the column value of the given container.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodTranslateColumns
Translates all reference object columns.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Public methodTranslateListColumn
Translates the column value with list of IDs of the given info object.
(Inherited from TranslationHelper.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetForeignID
Returns the ID of specified object.
(Defined by TranslationHelperForeignKeyExtensions.)
See Also