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LocalizationHelper Properties

The LocalizationHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDefaultManager
Returns default file resource manager.
Protected propertyDefaultManagerInternal
Returns default file resource manager.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultPathPrefix

Default path prefix to be used when resolving path to CMSResources folder. Gets WebApplicationPhysicalPath unless explicitly set. Existing resource file managers must be cleared upon set by calling Clear for the change to take effect on them.

This API supports the framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public propertyStatic memberDefaultResourceFiles
List of the default resource files.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExResourceName
Resource name regular expression.
Public propertyStatic memberUseSQLResourceManagerAsPrimary
If true, SQL Resource manager if used as primary source to retrieve the strings.
See Also