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ForumSearchablesRetriever Methods

The ForumSearchablesRetriever type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetRelevantIndexes(String, String)
Returns dataset of index IDs for specific type.
(Inherited from SearchablesRetriever.)
Public methodGetRelevantIndexes(ISearchable, String)
Gets the list of indexes relevant to the given object
(Overrides SearchablesRetrieverGetRelevantIndexes(ISearchable, String).)
Public methodGetRelevantIndexes(String, String, String)
Gets relevant indexes for given objectType, siteName and searchProvider.
(Inherited from SearchablesRetriever.)
Public methodGetSearchableObject
Returns ISearchable object for given index that satisfies conditions given by objectType, value and field. Returns null if no ISearchable object satisfies given conditions.
(Inherited from SearchablesRetriever.)
Public methodGetSearchableObjects
Returns collection of all ISearchable objects for given indexInfo.
(Inherited from SearchablesRetriever.)
Public methodIsObjectTypeIndexed
Indicates whether objectType is to be included in index.
(Inherited from SearchablesRetriever.)
See Also