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ChatCssHelper Methods

The ChatCssHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberRegisterStylesheet(Page)
Registers CSS stylesheet. If page inherits CMSChatPage, CMSDesk stylesheet will be used instead of livesite stylesheet.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterStylesheet(Page, Boolean)
Registers CSS stylesheet. If cmsDeskStyle is true, CMSDesk stylesheet will be used instead of livesite stylesheet. The CMS desk stylesheet is bootstrap for support dialog, old css otherwise.
Protected methodRegisterStylesheetInternal(Page)
Registers CSS stylesheet. If page inherits CMSChatPage, CMSDesk stylesheet will be used instead of livesite stylesheet.
Protected methodRegisterStylesheetInternal(Page, Boolean)
Registers CSS stylesheet. If cmsDeskStyle is true, CMSDesk stylesheet will be used instead of livesite stylesheet. The CMS desk stylesheet is bootstrap for support dialog, old css otherwise.
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also